Friday, March 12, 2010

The story of how we met.....

The summer 2009 was a difficult time in my life. I had moved to Tulsa, on a whim to be with an ex- boyfriend. After two long months of fighting and arguing we parted ways. I was all alone in a house that was made for two. I poured myself into my work. I worked fifty to sixty hour weeks, leaving no time for myself. I couldn’t bare to be alone in that house. It was if the arguments were still echoing through the walls. It is true what they say: when you excel in your work life your personal life seems to fall apart. I had no friends and no personal life. I didn’t want to go home. At work my boss was excited to see how many hours I was putting in. So when I asked for a couple days off the weekend of my sister’s wedding, and he hesitated scheduling me to work anyway. I quit the job that was keeping me afloat in this smaller town, where I knew no one. I felt like a failure at my job and at my life. I licked my wounds and realized if I was going to survive in this town I would need a companion. I decided the best companion would be a dog. I looked for dogs and I had found a couple that were great dogs, but just didn’t seem to be the right fit for me. I wanted a smaller dog with a big personality. I wanted a pug! My sister had adopted a female pug and was the light of her life, a comedian of sorts. I knew I needed to follow her path. I looked and looked… one day out of the blue a woman called me telling me about a litter three boys one girl. I jumped up grabbed my purse and was in my car at the shelter with in minutes. As I approached the cage Charlie jumped up pressed his tiny paws against the metal bars and looked right at me. I asked to hold him first. I laid him on his back and I just felt that connection, my heart literally skipped a beat. I held the other puppies and while I did Charlie sat right at my feet, like he knew he was going home with me. I held him again and felt that void I had been feeling melt away. My heart felt whole again. I adopted him that day and I got to take him home. That night we made our first appearance out to Oktoberfest! He meet and greeted with some of my new friends making himself at home in everyone’s arms. We chicken danced, I drank some good beer, and then we went home he slept in my bed. He was only five weeks old and he weighed around two pounds. Now he is five months old and he weighs 12 pounds. He has grown up a little, but his personality and humor shines daily! I can’t wait to share more of our experiences with you all. But please don’t forget this is the story of a bad pug…